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  • The print has figurative illustrations of well-met gentlemen, adventurers and soldiers whose heads have been replaced by those of birds.

    D.C. artists showcase looks in the wrong direction Kriston Capps 2011

  • “Songs yes of competitors well-met and bested consumed.”

    Jason Stoddard, Strange and Happy » Blog Archive » Eternal Franchise, 1.4 of 31.1 2009

  • Elsewhere, John Rhys-Davies crops up in a series of extended cameos as a powerful sorcerer on the side of good, and James Murray as Ralph pronounced 'Raif' Longshaft is excellent as the "Hail fellow, well-met," new leader of the resistance.

    Krod Mandoon and the Flaming Sword of Fire: Season 1 Adam Whitehead 2009

  • Life isn't a porno movie; much as I like to think of myself as a dashing fellow well-met once you get to know me, I'm not stud muffin material.

    The First Time Steven Barnes 2009

  • Elsewhere, John Rhys-Davies crops up in a series of extended cameos as a powerful sorcerer on the side of good, and James Murray as Ralph pronounced 'Raif' Longshaft is excellent as the "Hail fellow, well-met," new leader of the resistance.

    Archive 2009-05-01 Adam Whitehead 2009

  • Yea, and verily thus, Ian - hail fellow, well-met!

    magna comes loudly 2006

  • Thus like two well-met friendly companions, they rode on together, untill they arrived in Great Britaine, where, by meanes of the Noble Barons attending on the King, they were brought before him.

    The Decameron 2004

  • They shook, well-met near the intersection of Odd's Lane and Tower Road.

    The Dark Tower King, Stephen 2004

  • But we're well-met, so we are, and I set my watch and warrant on it!

    The Dark Tower King, Stephen 2004

  • At eight in the morning, we go in dishabille to the Pump-room which is crowded like a Welsh fair; and there you see the highest quality, and the lowest trades folks, jostling each other, without ceremony, hail-fellow well-met.

    The Expedition of Humphry Clinker 2004


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