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  • Though a wellpreserved man of no little stamina, if a trifle prone to baldness, there was something spurious in the cut of his jib that suggested a jail delivery and it required no violent stretch of imagination to associate such a weirdlooking specimen with the oakum and treadmill fraternity.

    Ulysses 2003

  • In the master bedroom there was a bookcase with a wellpreserved, three-volume set of H.L. Mencken's The American L.nguage.

    Cat & Mouse Patterson, James 1997

  • Though a wellpreserved man of no little stamina, if a trifle prone to baldness, there was something spurious in the cut of his jib that suggested a jail delivery and it required no violent stretch of imagination to associate such a weirdlooking specimen with the oakum and treadmill fraternity.

    Ulysses James Joyce 1911

  • I hear a wellpreserved blonde Manhattanite ask her skinny brunette friend.

    Home | Mail Online 2010

  • The researchers took over 1,50,000 images from 12 different angles of the extraordinarily wellpreserved body.

    Clipmarks | Live Clips 2010

  • The researchers took over 1,50,000 images from 12 different angles of the extraordinarily wellpreserved body.

    Clipmarks | Live Clips 2010

  • From visits to the Hermitage, excursions to the historic cities of Uglich and Yaroslavl, to private visits to wellpreserved medieval Kremlins, fortified monasteries and churches in and around the modern city of Moscow. News 2009


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