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  • I like your line about butter, cream, and lard being something "too good to give up, but the health consequences of just tossing it in whereever probably aren't worth it."

    Just Chili Pie Lindy 2006

  • Like heavy cream and butter, it is too good to give up, but the health consequences of just tossing it in whereever probably aren't worth it.

    Toast: Lindy 2006

  • Like heavy cream and butter, it is too good to give up, but the health consequences of just tossing it in whereever probably aren't worth it.

    Just Chili Pie Lindy 2006

  • What a moron and idiot. please, leave SC as soon as possible and join Sarah whereever she may be.

    Sanford: Now I know what Palin felt like 2009

  • Sprawl, and the associated car-based transportation patterns, is the virtually inevitable outcome whereever a society becomes wealthy enough for mass ownership of private automobiles, and it is not precluded by geography.

    Matthew Yglesias » Mass Transit is As American as Apple Pie 2010

  • They'll start launching from New Mexico and whereever but after the first fatalities, the US government will come down on them so hard, industry will most likely pull out because the cost for safety will be so prohibitive.

    Buzz is at it Again: Let's just change everything - NASA Watch 2009

  • November 19th, 2009 3: 43 pm ET its a wonder if he didnt blast off to the moon with the shuttle. whereever a camera is you'll find Obama: Reminds me of forrest gump, the guy in every major event in history

    President Obama to appear with NFL players for Thanksgiving public service announcement 2009

  • As far as the altitudeis concerned, go whereever for a couple of month and you will find out how it affects you.

    Pedestrian Friendly? 2009

  • I know I would feel safe whereever I was with the Military presense all around me.

    Will Obama's war become his Vietnam? 2009

  • If the Republicans didn't find something to complain about the President it would be most unusual, Obama was right on top of the situation, the White House is whereever a president is, be it Crawford, TX or Hawaii. jo

    Obama criticized for terror response 2009


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