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  • Whether this is the urban intelligensia derided by Blair in Manchester Withington who stuck in a serial fibber instead of a loyalist ex-whiphand, the BEM communities of Bethnal Green and Bow who stuck in a trotty stalinist communalist indisciplined gobshite instead of a Blair ultra, or exactly this target group who are falling for the BNP's charms including ex-LP member Richard Barnbrook in the adorable Margaret Hodge and the acceptable Jon Cruddas' backyards.

    Archive 2007-01-07 2007

  • The exclusive possession of a marine boiler had given Falk the whiphand of us all.

    Falk, by Joseph Conrad 2004

  • You never knew what fresh fad was going to get the whiphand of him.

    The Way Home 2003

  • But there's little doubt in my mind that Arafat believes he's in the best position and indeed that he has leverage, if not indeed the whiphand on Ariel Sharon at the moment in terms of world opinion.

    CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2002 2002

  • The exclusive possession of a marine boiler had given Falk the whiphand of us all.

    Falk; Amy Foster; To-Morrow 1922

  • The way I reason is this: As long as I have the things, I've got the whiphand.

    Sight Unseen Mary Roberts Rinehart 1917

  • And it was our side, as I shall call it, meaning by that the state-house ring, that for the moment had the whiphand; and it was the other side, led in person by State Senator

    The Escape of Mr. Trimm His Plight and other Plights 1910

  • One of the first men he struck was "Bull" Kelly, a senator who held the whiphand in most of the underground work.

    Tattlings of a Retired Politician 1904

  • The exclusive possession of a marine boiler had given Falk the whiphand of us all.

    Falk; Amy Foster; To-Morrow 1903

  • And the removal of the cruel whiphand, or in other words the bulldozing half-breed, had brought with it a joyous reaction.

    The Son of the Wolf Jack London 1896


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