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  • The center of the Eye to higher vibratory forms corres - connect to an Infinite Way. of the Merkabah vehicle as coming is a "whitehole" of t h e plus a n d ponding to their level of soul 63 The timepieces set u p in from Orion. minus rotations of force fields growth. basin areas, in the mountains, or 68 The Lion face s h o w s the turned over by circumversion.

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  • Several whitehole and honeypot programs would lure the more sophisticated scanners and let them chase each other around beneath his skin, while his core remained untouchable.

    365 tomorrows » 2007 » February : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day 2007

  • The Word: Biblical and Scriptural correlations with the Keys of Enoch cycle; they are the writers of the Ur texts. intelligence can use a whitehole power Ur Station A transmission center using source as a switch to exceed thermonu - 101-102-103 201 301 pyramidal technology a n d centered Isa Job 38 7-32 Eze clear fusion and for thought-form 11-14 Gen 5 2-4 within magnetic fields of communication activation of matter.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows czaragon 2009

  • Manifestation of Divine 82 a singularity. whitehole represents a in a singular (John or plural - blackhole of anti-matter with orbiting istic form (John The in-dwelling of Ac Rev masses of common matter spiraling upon which says,

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows czaragon 2009


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