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  • The stickup man appeared next to him in a white nylon Red Sox jersey untucked over jeans, and small, stupid, syrup-lens sunglasses: Jem with a whitelipped smirk.

    The Town Chuck Hogan 2004

  • They hadn't met much after that, Elena remaining until her death the virgin queen of the city -- the post-mortem confirmed her as _virgo intacta_ -- while Allie gave up wearing underwear, took odd jobs on small, angry magazines, and because her sister was untouchable she became the other thing, every sexual act a slap in her sibling's glowering, whitelipped face.

    The Satanic Verses Rushdie, Salman 1967

  • Globally endangered mammals, apart from the giant panda, are the red panda Ailurus fulgens (EN), the snow and cloud leopards Panthera uncia (EN) and Neofelis nebulosa (VU), the golden monkey Rhinopithecus roxellana (VU), Asiatic wild dog Cuon alpinus (VU), Asiatic black bear Selenarctos thibetanus (VU), whitelipped deer Cervus albirostris (VU), serow Capricornus sumatraensis (VU), goral Naemorhedus goral (VU) and argali sheep Ovis ammon (VU).

    The Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries, China 2009


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