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  • I believe since the first caveperson used a club to down the wildboar instead of his/her bear hands, their has been a potential for intellectual capital to increase productivity of 'hard assets'.

    Intangible Capital, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty 2009

  • Thinking that it is indeed a wildboar, he took aim and pull the trigger.

    Mistaken For A Boar, A Trainee Teacher Shot. 2007

  • A trainee teacher who was mistaken for a wildboar was shot in the head last friday.

    Mistaken For A Boar, A Trainee Teacher Shot. 2007

  • But Pellar shook his head, knowing that even as injured as the wildboar was, he was too slow to outrun it.

    Dragon's Fire McCaffrey, Anne 2006

  • His face pinched in pain, he grabbed the rock his head had hit on the way down and threw it at the wildboar.

    Dragon's Fire McCaffrey, Anne 2006

  • Pellar only had an instant to spot Jaythen's arrow sticking out of the wildboar's left eye before he dove to the side and flung himself atop the wildboar.

    Dragon's Fire McCaffrey, Anne 2006

  • The wildboar gave one last surprised sigh and collapsed.

    Dragon's Fire McCaffrey, Anne 2006

  • He found a good camp but did not wait to set up before unlimbering his drum, checking the bindings of the wildboar hide, and rolling out the quick beat of "Attention."

    Dragon's Fire McCaffrey, Anne 2006

  • And the grunting noise told him it was a wildboar -- one of the most dangerous creatures on Pern.

    Dragon's Fire McCaffrey, Anne 2006

  • The wildboar charged toward him, its good eye blazing balefully.

    Dragon's Fire McCaffrey, Anne 2006


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