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  • There were feral pigs in the woods -- hairy, black, tusky, wildeyed.

    Beard 2010

  • And cable news is discussing at great length every wildeyed mention of Hussein and terrorism and "exotic."

    Bob Cesca: Fake Balance and McCain's Desperate Fear Campaign 2008

  • I'd say someone needs to call Hannity on the wildeyed claim Obama is promoting a welfare state, but Hannity doesn't take any tough calls on his radio show.

    HUH? Hannity Claims Obama Will Be Cutting Checks For The Poor? 2008

  • “Compound” usually implies some kind of cult status, crazy wildeyed guy in a robe, doomsday philosophy, and eventually – purple cool-aid and a fiery end at the hands of the ATF.

    The Current Background Picture « Whatever 2007

  • “Compound” usually implies some kind of cult status, crazy wildeyed guy in a robe, doomsday philosophy, and eventually – purple cool-aid and a fiery end at the hands of the ATF.

    The Current Background Picture « Whatever 2007

  • You see this mentally crippled wildeyed nutjob being interviewed on every topic no matter the ignorant and nutty answers and beliefs he sputters back at them.

    Nincompoop Report The Daily Growler 2006

  • Graham hesitated, and in the other hand of the wildeyed man he saw the glint of steel.

    When the Sleeper Wakes 2006

  • The people began to boo and shout at this, a number of hard breathing, wildeyed men came running past, clawing with hooked fingers at the air.

    When the Sleeper Wakes 2006

  • But the moment she opened the door to her room, a wildeyed Celeste greeted her.

    The Alphabetical Hookup List K-Q Phoebe Mcphee 2002

  • Could it be that they—Kirk and the rest of his wildeyed adventurers on the bridge—simply didn't want to return to the Federation yet?

    Chain of Attack Gene De Weese 2000


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