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  • I stop the car and silence the engine struck for an instant by the deathly silence the motor was hiding but then I hear the light and little sounds of a trumpet coming from the glint in the trees, from a wildlooking park across the street.

    Literature 2006

  • I stop the car and silence the engine struck for an instant by the deathly silence the motor was hiding but then I hear the light and little sounds of a trumpet coming from the glint in the trees, from a wildlooking park across the street.

    unbillable hours: 2006

  • I was only do it off up in a gate somewhere or one of those wildlooking gipsies in Rathfarnham had their camp pitched near the

    Ulysses 2003

  • As I turn the cover, bits of endpaper crumble off and 1 see from the exposed leather underneath that the now faded covers were once a somber purple, a color that reminds me of a Bible picture from childhood: a wildlooking Moses, standing on a boulder against a purple sky, breaking the tablets in front of a crowd of turban-headed heathens.

    the secret sense Tan, Amy 1995

  • Once, when I was taking pictures about Hell’s Kitchen, I was confronted by a wildlooking man with a club, who required me to subscribe to a general condemnation of reporters as “hardly fit to be flayed alive, ” before he would let me go; the which I did with a right good will, though with somewhat of a mental reservation in favor of my rivals in Mulberry Street, who just then stood in need of special correction.

    The Bend is laid by the Heels 1901


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