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  • I love my hypotamoose shirt, and the 'wishless', and my jackalope shirt … I had my cart preloaded for the sale last night.

    Want Not 2009

  • Now that her nerves were drowsier, too, she was able, the moment she ceased to suffer, to sink into repose; a tranquil, twilight state, on the borderland between sleeping and waking; and the experiences of a lifetime had numbered no goodlier pleasure than this: the wishless well-being that follows on a vanishing pain.

    Mary Christina 2004

  • But it was not all unhappiness; the beloved eyes and hands, the wilful hair, and pale, sweet mouth, could still stir him; and there came hours of wishless well-being, when his tired brain found rest.

    Maurice Guest 2003

  • He had lain day for day on a garden-bench, reading Novalis, and it still seemed to him that the wishless happiness of those days was the greatest he had known.

    Maurice Guest 2003

  • It is the peace of paradise, dreamlike, wishless; one never tires of listening to the holy tropical night, for there is secret life everywhere.

    Two Years with the Natives in the Western Pacific Felix Speiser 1914


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