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  • We've got nikto, jikto, burp, paros proxy, rat proxy, w3af, Metasploit's wmap, a bunch of commercial tools and tones of browser extensions.

    GNUCITIZEN Comments 2009

  • I would like to see either checking and loading of db_wmap in the module or wmap db reporting functions, a warning when you run the module with wmap reporting and don't have db_wmap loaded that none of the results will be saved since you don't have db_wmap, orrr drop back all logging to the stock db reporting mechanisms so you don't lose any of the returned data.

    Metasploit Exploit Updates 2009

  • I would like to see either checking and loading of db_wmap in the module or wmap db reporting functions, a warning when you run the module with wmap reporting and don't have db_wmap loaded that none of the results will be saved since you don't have db_wmap, orrr drop back all logging to the stock db reporting mechanisms so you don't lose any of the returned data.

    Metasploit Exploit Updates 2009

  • Used aux/scanner/http/version and options back to back, the options scanner uses the stock db report mechanism, the version scanner uses the wmap db reporting.

    Metasploit Exploit Updates 2009

  • Used aux/scanner/http/version and options back to back, the options scanner uses the stock db report mechanism, the version scanner uses the wmap db reporting.

    Metasploit Exploit Updates 2009


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