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  • And on Wednesday, Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa, who sits on the committee that oversees Gensler's agency, said "it's hard to see how the chairman could be completely objective in looking out for wronged investors when he has such strong ties to the principal of the failed firm." yehudi at 8:20 AM November 04, 2011

    News - 2011

  • While you are more than welcome to hold this belief, it is important you understand that, for many Jews, we hold the Jewish people ’am yehudi to be a historic community rooted in the Middle East.

    The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism | Jewschool 2004

  • Specifically, bottom of screen 2 and top of 3, else 3/4 (don’t remember exactly) where, in a series of bizarre pirouettes, he explains that Jews aren’t really a people but a religion or something — this splitting out is important to Western Christian philosophy, but doesn’t exist in Judaism — and then allows how, okay, they might be a people (’am yehudi) but that that’s not a political programme, and so forth.

    The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism | Jewschool 2004

  • While you are more than welcome to hold this belief, it is important you understand that, for many Jews, we hold the Jewish people ’am yehudi to be a historic community rooted in the Middle East.

    The Myth of the New Anti-Semitism | Jewschool 2004

  • I’m sure y’all already know the talmudic definition of Jew, why Moredchai, from the tribe of Benjamin, is called “yehudi?”

    Arguing Over Judaism, hip, funded, or otherwise | Jewschool 2003


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