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  • But to give an original air to his work, he entitled it Hazár o yek

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006

  • (Iconium), “Multa seges sepulchralium quæ virorum ex omni ævo doctissimorum exuvias condunt, mille et unum recenset auctor Libri qui inscribitur Hassaaer we jek mesaar (Hazár ve yek Mezár), i.e., mille et unum mausolea.”

    The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night 2006

  • Kalau tidak .. apa yek .. kalau tak. .tak berupdate la diary aku.

    kieli Diary Entry kieli 2002

  • But Coyotes are not the only troubles in the life of Yek-yek.

    Wild Animals at Home Ernest Thompson Seton 1903

  • When the far-off squirrel ancestor of Yek-yek took to the plains for a range, another of the family selected the rocky hills.

    Wild Animals at Home Ernest Thompson Seton 1903

  • Poor helpless little Yek-yek, he has no friends; his enemies and his list of burdens increase.

    Wild Animals at Home Ernest Thompson Seton 1903

  • "Inshallah, Meshed yek saat," he says, and so I mount and bid him follow along behind.

    Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama Thomas Stevens 1894

  • After exhaustive questioning about my own affairs, Mirza Hassan, with more than praiseworthy frankness and becoming gravity, informs me that, besides the embryo telegraphjee and sugar-consumer in the room, he is the happy father of "yek nim" (one and a half others).

    Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama Thomas Stevens 1894

  • In response to my inquiries, he points up toward the pass and offers to accompany me thither for the small sum of "yek keran;" giving me to understand that without his presence it is highly indiscreet to proceed.

    Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama Thomas Stevens 1894

  • Te yan kerdavit, awer yeck divvus i dui ankairede ta chinger, te Saster des lestis juva Yag-bar a tatto-yek adre o yakk, te kairedas i chingari ta mukker avri, te hotcher i puri juva's putsi.

    The Gypsies Charles Godfrey Leland 1863


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