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  • The upper leaf surface is dull or shiny dark green, the lower is pale with dot-like, yellowbrown scales.

    Chapter 18 1990

  • He finally found a spattering of loose, yellowbrown muck on some chickweed not far from the edge of the stream.

    A different flesh Turtledove, Harry 1988

  • It dawns on Slothrop, literally, through the yellowbrown window shade, that this is his first day Outside.

    Gravity's Rainbow Pynchon, Thomas 1978

  • The man to whom Pilar spoke was short and heavy, brownfaced, with broad cheekbones; gray haired, with wide-set yellowbrown eyes, a thin-bridged, hooked nose like an Indian's, a long Upper lip and a wide, thin mouth.

    For Whom The Bell Tolls Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961 1940

  • The man to whom Pilar spoke was short and heavy, brownfaced, with broad cheekbones; gray haired, with wide-set yellowbrown eyes, a thin-bridged, hooked nose like an Indian's, a long Upper lip and a wide, thin mouth.

    For Whom The Bell Tolls Hemingway, Ernest, 1899-1961 1940


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