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  • In the youthoriented culture of the United States, getting older is equated with loss of power, loss of status, and disease.

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • In the youthoriented culture of the United States, getting older is equated with loss of power, loss of status, and disease.

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • In the youthoriented culture of the United States, getting older is equated with loss of power, loss of status, and disease.

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • In the youthoriented culture of the United States, getting older is equated with loss of power, loss of status, and disease.

    Our Bodies, Ourselves: Menopause M.D. Vivian Pinn 2006

  • Another part of the reason is that during the past twenty years or so, our culture has been so youthoriented that we've tended to downplay the value of experience and play up what youth does so well, which is analysis.

    Success in American Companies: Lessons for Canadians 1984

  • The owner of a Simi retail store called Infusion, which sells youthoriented merchandise, who plans to open a Mongolian barbecue restaurant on the west end of the city in the fall,

    Simi Valley Acorn 2008


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