
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • abbreviation year
  • abbreviation your


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  • Alot of hard work, time and effort, to not mention the research of listing all the names of each and every dead soldier, sailor, marine, airman over this past yr. is gone now.

    Strike Force Freedom Cry 2010

  • Also git up a tremenjus excitemunt in yr. paper 'bowt my onparaleld Show.

    Artemus Ward, his book ; with many comic illustrations 1862

  • $450/yr. which is a rise in cost of approx .. 2% of income. (point two percent of income)

    Propeller Most Popular Stories Striker101 2010

  • I ask, have you the Col any new principles, other than those you have always advocated & set forth in yr. inaugural, to bring before the people, that you think Mr Blair will oppose.

    A Country of Vast Designs Robert W. Merry 2009

  • So, after living in our home for 1 yr. we received a notice from CitiMortgage that our payment would be going up $$374 a month.

    Breaking News: CBS News 2011

  • I mean—you’re seeing him in a sophisticated way as now you see yourself then—but you’re still seeing her as you did in 1917 thru nineteen yr. old eyes.

    A Life in Letters F. SCOTT FITZGERALD 1994

  • If you can or can’t please include the information in yr. telegram of Thurs. or Fri.

    A Life in Letters F. SCOTT FITZGERALD 1994


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