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  • Bu gezegende, her niş doldurmak sonunda zeka gelişimini, tüm en uyarlanabilir özellik. 2007 »Mart» 2007

  • Ne enerjisini ve kaynaklarını böyle hayal bile edilemez yatırımlarından elde etmek olurdu? onlar evrenin etrafında almak için üstün bir zeka ile bu sonsuz ve neredeyse-yenilmez uyarlanabilir makine inşaa ettiler varsayalım. 2007 »Mart» 2007

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009

  • And let's all make the rich far richer & forget about giving zeka to the poor.

    WALEG 2009


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