A list of 37 words by biocon.
- torrentialwas added by biocon and appears on 44 lists
- tantivywas added by biocon and appears on 42 lists
- spirituellewas added by biocon and appears on 3 lists
- tostowas added by biocon and appears on 2 lists
- mossowas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- allegrowas added by biocon and appears on 38 lists
- prestissimowas added by biocon and appears on 6 lists
- prestowas added by biocon and appears on 16 lists
- agilewas added by biocon and appears on 68 lists
- volantwas added by biocon and appears on 49 lists
- celeriswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- rapidwas added by biocon and appears on 44 lists
- expeditiouswas added by biocon and appears on 37 lists
- promptwas added by biocon and appears on 36 lists
- citatuswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- cituswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- concitatuswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- incituswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- incitatuswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- fugaxwas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- habiliswas added by biocon and appears on 3 lists
- leviswas added by biocon and appears on 5 lists
- ventosuswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- praerapiduswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- praecepswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- praepeswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- aleswas added by biocon and appears on 7 lists
- alipeswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- properipeswas added by biocon and appears on 2 lists
- celerwas added by biocon and appears on 2 lists
- veloxwas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- celoxwas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- pernixwas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- celeritouswas added by biocon and appears on 16 lists
- citigradewas added by biocon and appears on 3 lists
- celeriouswas added by biocon and appears on just this list
- velociouswas added by biocon and appears on 6 lists
fbharjo commented on the list swift-or-rapid
agile: nimble: fleet: snappish: snappy: volant
February 23, 2015
fbharjo commented on the list swift-or-rapid
winged: spirituel: smart: mosso: tosto
February 23, 2015
biocon commented on the list swift-or-rapid
The number of websites that Google reveals for the following are, respectively, 13,400 for celeritous and 76,000 for velocious.
March 20, 2015
biocon commented on the list swift-or-rapid
Thank you fbharjo.
March 20, 2015
fbharjo commented on the list swift-or-rapid
you are wellcome, biocon!
March 21, 2015