Comments by clarifyingcard

  • "It’s an amazing ride—the first dark rollercoaster ever made, a plunge through infinite space spangled with uncountable stars. When you’re in it, it’s a vast, cosmic experience. But when you get out, if you turn around, you don’t see infinite space. You just see a big chunky building with a popcorn stand next to it. And you’re like, that’s it? That’s what that was? It seemed so real from the inside, it was so absorbing. But it was just a place. And now I can leave."

    — Sasha Chapin, Stranded on the Space Mountains of Self-Loathing

    February 20, 2024

  • noun - the condition of being mellivorous; that is, feeding upon honey.

    January 30, 2024

  • noun — the sole lifeline in one's excursion into terra incognita, by the retracing of which one might theoretically return.

    "What I am entering is a topography that won't lodge in memory. All that connects me to the world I've left is an extremely thin strand of attention, an Ariadne's thread of remembrance. A spectral filament linking me to a glimmer of basic sanity." — Darkness Shining Wild, Robert Augustus Masters, PhD

    January 30, 2024