Comments by donschmincke

  • I couldn't help but add this word that developed in my blog.

    Charlatitus: An inflammatory condition that causes ordinary people to believe they are infected with genuine knowledge. Typically diagnosed by by measuring level of ego-inflammation, hot-air expelled, and hallucinations of confidence in a topic they never researched. Highly contagious to people in close proximity who don’t know the person is infected and, breathing in what they say, end up spreading the bacteria to others. Areas of possible infections include business conferences, management meetings, and pubs. There is no known treatment.


    His misuse of concepts in his speech makes me think he has charlatitus.

    He must’ve read a new book recently because his charlatitis is acting up.

    I think I’m coming down with charlatitis because I repeated something Joe said because I thought it was clever, but I didn’t fact-check it.

    May 20, 2023