Comments by doughboy914

  • Surely this is not an actual "word" in the English language. I literally cringe whenever I hear anyone use it in conversation. For some reason, though, I have the opposite reaction to y'all.

    August 22, 2017

  • A word of my invention. Alt spelling: leating

    n. A greeting offered to one when leaving an establishing, usually without first having had any interaction with the speaker.

    August 22, 2017

  • Here is my definition of carstage: Carstage: n. To be held hostage by a driver you are following on a one-lane road because that driver is driving below the speed limit. (The word is a combination of car and hostage).

    August 10, 2017

  • Here's my definition for restage: Restage: n. To be held hostage by a waiter or waitress who disappears before bringing, or otherwise takes a very long time to bring, you your check. (The word is a combination of restaurant and hostage).

    August 10, 2017