Comments by jopolho

  • The same in Portuguese. It means "Sponge Bob Square Pants."

    February 25, 2009

  • Brazilian Portuguese:

    The language have four different forms: por que, porque, por quê and porquê, all with different meanings.

    Por que is literally why.

    Ex: Why are you doing that?

    Por que você está fazendo isso?

    Porque is because.

    Ex: Because I want to do.

    Porque eu quero fazer.

    Por quê and porquê I can't give examples with my basic English, but I will try another time.

    February 25, 2009

  • I know Brasilianisation and Brazilianization. I think the most correct is Brazilianization. Because we are speaking of the country Brazil (in English). Brasil with "s" is the Portuguese word for the country, my country, inclusive.

    February 25, 2009