zoemars has adopted no words, looked up 0 words, created 1 list, listed 57 words, written 2 comments, added 0 tags, and loved 0 words.

Comments by zoemars

  • Beguile: deceive

    Caprice: impulse

    Cascade: steep waterfall

    Coalesce: unite, or fuse

    Crepuscular: dim, or twilit

    Crystalline: clear, or sparkling

    Desultory: half-hearted, meandering

    Diaphanous: gauzy

    Dulcet: sweet

    Ebullient: enthusiastic

    Effervescent: bubbly

    Elision: omission

    Encompass: surround

    Ephemeral: fleeting

    Epitome: embodiment of the ideal

    Ethereal: celestial, unworldly, immaterial

    Evanescent: fleeting

    Evocative: suggestive

    Exuberant: abundant, unrestrained, outsize

    Felicity: happiness, pleasantness

    Filament: thread, strand

    Halcyon: care-free

    Idyllic: contentedly pleasing

    Incorporeal: without form

    Incandescent: glowing, radiant, brilliant, zealous

    Ineffable: indescribable, unspeakable

    Inexorable: relentless

    Insouciance: nonchalance

    Iridescent: luster

    Languid: slow, listless

    Lassitude: fatigue

    Lilt: cheerful or buoyant song or movement

    Lithe: flexible, graceful

    Luminescence: dim chemical or organic light

    Mellifluous: smooth, sweet

    Murmur: soothing sound

    Myriad: great number

    Nebulous: indistinct

    Opulent: ostentatious

    Penumbra: shade, shroud, fringe

    Plethora: abundance

    Quiescent: peaceful

    Quintessential: most purely representative or typical

    Redolent: aromatic, evocative

    Resplendent: shining

    Rhapsodic: intensely emotional

    Scintilla: trace

    Serendipitous: chance

    Serene: peaceful

    Somnolent: drowsy, sleep inducing

    Sonorous: loud, impressive, imposing

    Sublime: exalted, transcendent

    Succulent: juicy, tasty, rich

    Suffuse: flushed, full

    Susurration: whispering

    Symphony: harmonious assemblage

    Talisman: charm, magical device

    Tessellated: checkered in pattern

    Tranquility: peacefulness

    Vestige: trace

    Zenith: highest point

    March 4, 2015

  • Saphrophyte: a plant living on dead or decaying matter

    sanguinolent: bloodthirsty

    sepulchral: funereal or gloomy

    serotinous: flowering late

    somatasthenia: weakness of the body

    sparagmos: ritualized tearing apart of a person

    spinneret: silk-spinning organ of an insect or spider

    syzygy: alignment of celestial bodies

    March 2, 2015

Comments for zoemars

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