"A local legend on the island has grown about the Gray Man. Thought to be the original owner of the Pelican Inn, the Gray Man is a friendly ghost who warns of impending hurricanes and protects the resident's houses from the storm. Serious hurricanes have struck in 1724, twice in 1752, 1822, 1911, 1954, and 1989. As recounted in an episode of the TV series Unsolved Mysteries, several different witnesses reported that they had seen the Gray Man shortly before Hurricane Hugo. Among them Jim and Clara Moore who'd been walking the beach and saw a man dressed in gray clothing vanish before them when they waved hello. The Moores realized this man must have been the Gray Man when their house, The Sea Moore, was left untouched by the storm."
ruzuzu commented on the word Gray Man
"A local legend on the island has grown about the Gray Man. Thought to be the original owner of the Pelican Inn, the Gray Man is a friendly ghost who warns of impending hurricanes and protects the resident's houses from the storm. Serious hurricanes have struck in 1724, twice in 1752, 1822, 1911, 1954, and 1989. As recounted in an episode of the TV series Unsolved Mysteries, several different witnesses reported that they had seen the Gray Man shortly before Hurricane Hugo. Among them Jim and Clara Moore who'd been walking the beach and saw a man dressed in gray clothing vanish before them when they waved hello. The Moores realized this man must have been the Gray Man when their house, The Sea Moore, was left untouched by the storm."
-- From the Wikipedia page for Pawleys Island, South Carolina
August 29, 2011
bilby commented on the word Gray Man
I was going to rubbish this myth but the Straw Man visited me in a dream and told me not to bother.
August 29, 2011
ruzuzu commented on the word Gray Man
That's so weird! In my dream the Straw Man was cherry picking.
August 29, 2011
fbharjo commented on the word Gray Man
Is this turning into a ca(i)ne suite (How sweet) or ( Let us not have a mute knee needlessly!) thrillogy? How fruitful or fruitless!
Is it for graymatter ( it is black and white) to decide? I unda (brain wave) stand! I do.
There's the rub(bish)?!
August 30, 2011