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  • As well, If I may make a request of you to write about a future topic of which I am weak at- how to gain Khushoo in Salat- some practical steps and tips - which would enable one to truly "feel" the ascension of his/her salat to Allah SWT and to be overwhelmed by the remembrance of Allah SWT during Salat which would spill over into daily routines of life.

    The Pillar of Hannana Moans 2007

  • Muslims will often perform a special prayer for guidance, Salat al-Istikhara, to help us reach important decisions.

    Daliah Merzaban: God's Answer Key For Sound Decision-Making Daliah Merzaban 2011

  • Dahabo Salat is a 22 year-old refugee from Somalia.

    Pushed to the Edge at Kenya's Dadaab Refugee Camps 2011

  • Salat is taken into the camp and given a new pair of sandals, a medical screening for her family and two week's worth of flour, cornmeal, beans and oil.

    Pushed to the Edge at Kenya's Dadaab Refugee Camps 2011

  • Mr. Salat—who has worked on airports around the world, including in Phnom Penh and Abu Dhabi, and holds doctorates in history, architecture and economics—found inspiration in a wide range of sources, including geometry, Cubism, the prints of M.C. Escher, the layout of a traditional Chinese courtyard and the "I Ching."

    The Endless Gaze 2011

  • "Beyond the Infinity," an art installment by the French artist and architect Serge Salat, explores the same territory—with endless reflections.

    The Endless Gaze 2011

  • Andy Wong/Associated Press A girl walked on the mirrors Saturday in artwork exhibition designed by French artist Serge Salat in Beijing.

    Asia in Pictures 2011

  • The overall goal of the installation, writes Mr. Salat, is to create a "mystical journey" in which the audience moves through "a labyrinth of seemingly endless light."

    The Endless Gaze 2011

  • Salat was a former engineer who turned to jewelry-making to pay her way through grad school, selling her hand-made pieces on the streets of Soho.

    Michelle Obama's State Dinner Earrings By Bochic: "We Were Very Happy" 2010

  • Joseph and Salat both had backgrounds in the industry before the launch of Bochic in 2004.

    Michelle Obama's State Dinner Earrings By Bochic: "We Were Very Happy" 2010


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