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  • Now, the immediate predecessor of Amasis was Uabra, called by the Greek "Apries," and in the Bible "Hophra."

    Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers 1891

  • PHARAOH-HOPHRA (called Apries by the Greek historian

    Easton's Bible Dictionary M.G. Easton 1897

  • So when Apries leading his foreign mercenaries, and Amasis at the head of the whole body of the Egyptians, in their approach to one another had come to the city of Momemphis, they engaged battle: and although the foreign troops fought well, yet being much inferior in number they were worsted by reason of this.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • Hearing this Apries sent to them Amasis, to cause them to cease by persuasion; and when he had come and was seeking to restrain the Egyptians, as he was speaking and telling them not to do so, one of the Egyptians stood up behind him and put

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • In consequence of this and because they laid the blame of it upon Apries, the Egyptians revolted from him.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • Egyptians considering him to blame for this revolted from him, supposing that Apries had with forethought sent them out to evident calamity, in order (as they said) that there might be a slaughter of them, and he might the more securely rule over the other

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • Apries; for they say that Cyrus was he who sent to Amasis for his daughter, and not Cambyses.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • Then Patarbemis both perceiving his intention from that which he said, and also seeing his preparations, departed in haste, desiring to make known as quickly as possible to the king the things which were being done: and when he came back to Apries not bringing Amasis, the king paying no regard to that which he said,387 but being moved by violent anger, ordered his ears and his nose to be cut off.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • So Apries and his army were going against the Egyptians, and Amasis and those with him were going against the mercenaries; and both sides came to the city of

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003

  • When this Patarbemis came and summoned Amasis, the latter, who happened to be sitting on horseback, lifted up his leg and behaved in an unseemly manner,386 bidding him take that back to Apries.

    The History of Herodotus Herodotus 2003


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