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  • Associated Press Auto-Industry Slump Hits the Pits in Nascar Although Detroit stopped building cars for Nascar a long time ago, the financial crisis has trickled down to the pits.

    Georges I, II, IV and V Get Ringside Seats 2009

  • "Why can the Auto-Industry CEO's ...." by David Sirota by syed mahdi on Wednesday, Apr 1, 2009 at 4: 48: 18 AM

    Why Can the Auto Industry CEOs but Spare Bank CEOs? 2009

  • More Analysis: Another Giants Super Bowl Upset Manning Is Most Valuable in the Clutch Auto-Industry Ads Score at the Super Bowl Giants Cap a Super Comeback Consistency in an Era of Change Manningham's Tyree Moment No Fans Were Left Out in the Cold They were much bigger than that 9-7 suitcase they lugged into the playoffs, and knew it.

    The Indy Victory Lap No One Expected Jason Gay 2012

  • Auto-Industry Ads Score at the Super Bowl The Indy Victory Lap No One Expected "The NFL hired the talent and produced the halftime show," an NBC representative said.

    Super Bowl's Big TV Score Amy Schatz 2012

  • Shopping Becomes a Challenge as Auto-Industry Collapse Adds to City's Woes.

    Retailers Head for Exits in Detroit 2009

  • John Kuczala Tracking the Bailout Senate Plans Monday Vote on Auto-Industry Bailout Chances Are Slim for Stimulus, Auto Aid Till '09

    Just Say No to Detroit 2008

  • Barney Frank Doesn't Think Congress Will Vote on Obama's Auto-Industry Restructuring Program

    ProLifeBlogs 2009

  • Barney Frank Doesn't Think Congress Will Vote on Obama's Auto-Industry Restructuring Program

    ProLifeBlogs 2009

  • Barney Frank Doesn't Think Congress Will Vote on Obama's Auto-Industry Restructuring Program

    ProLifeBlogs 2009

  • Barney Frank Doesn't Think Congress Will Vote on Obama's Auto-Industry Restructuring Program

    ProLifeBlogs 2009


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