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  • Reagan himself called the Contras "Freedom Fighters," which they were not.

    Hey! Isn't That Illegal? 2007

  • The U.S. government used paid terrorists they called Contras to brutalize the Nicaraguan population into voting their way.

    Is History Repeating Itself? 2007

  • Ortega led the Sandinista movement that overthrew dictator Anastasio Somoza in 1979, and withstood a concerted effort by the US government, which viewed him as a Soviet-backed threat, to oust him through a rebel force called the Contras.

    Nicaragua's president Daniel Ortega expected to win third term 2011

  • Would that be the same Reagan that increased unemployment, tripled entire national debt of the previous 200 years, had record bankruptcies, sold massive amounts of weaponry illegally to the terrorist state of Iran, got our troops killed in Lebanon, illegally funded the terrorists known as the Contras who raped, murdered, kidnapped, and brought tons of cocaine into the US?

    Think Progress » Rep. Trent Franks: African-Americans were better off under slavery. 2010

  • Calling Hezbollah “Iranian” is a bit like calling the Contras or the Mujahadeen “American.”

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Should Israel Attack Iran? 2009

  • Human Rights Watch also criticized acts of terror by the Sandinista government, but called the Contras "a force that has shown itself incapable of operating without consistently committing gross abuses in violation of the laws of war."

    John K. Wilson: John McCain's Terrorist Connections 2008

  • Human Rights Watch also criticized acts of terror by the Sandinista government, but called the Contras "a force that has shown itself incapable of operating without consistently committing gross abuses in violation of the laws of war."

    John McCain's Terrorist Connections 2008

  • Hey, John, what dont you take your Central american buddies, the freedom fighters known as Contras as just start beheading and putting heads in stakes along the roadside, just like in the old times?

    Think Progress » ThinkFast: January 12, 2007 2007

  • Organizations with ominous sounding names like Brothers to the Rescue and Commandos F4 based in Miami and funded by groups like the Cuban American National Foundation and individuals with financial ties to the US-funded Nicaraguan rebel group known as the Contras decided to step up their attacks on Cuba.

    Detroit Says Free the Cuban Five 2006

  • It's like Ronald Reagan calling the Contras "freedom fighters" and the Sandanistas and the ANC!

    how to leave: an idea 2006


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