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  • In the Bois there are several places that supply lunches, dinners, and light refreshments, but the Laiterie is the only one that is really first class.

    The Gourmet's Guide to Europe Algernon Bastard 1885

  • They had a little cottage called the "Laiterie," where the white cows with their gilded horns were brought in to be milked.

    The House in Good Taste Elsie de Wolfe

  • I had wanted to try Le 1608 from Laiterie Charlevoix since I heard the radio interview.

    2010 June « Mudpuddle 2010

  • My uncle was killed well before I was born but I am proud to say that my son Charles and I were the first members of our family to visit his grave at La Laiterie Military Cemetery in Belgium in 1982.

    The Canadian Veterna: No Ordinary Hero 2005

  • Laiterie de la Reine, the caprice of Louis XVI when he would content

    Royal Palaces and Parks of France Blanche McManus

  • I was to find her at the house of her aunt, who lived in my neighborhood, and who, to my surprise, turned out to be the proprietress of the Laiterie I frequented.

    The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 27, January, 1860 Various

  • The grove of lindens is remarkable in every respect, the ornamental waters are gracious and of vast extent, and the _Laiterie_ and the

    Royal Palaces and Parks of France Blanche McManus

  • The Laiterie de la Reine was a tiny sandstone temple with interior fittings chiefly of white marble, and with a great, round centre-table, and smaller tables in each corner, equally of marble, as becomes a hygienically fitted dairy.

    Royal Palaces and Parks of France Blanche McManus

  • Tzigane orchestra, and the late Queen of the Belgians, who often used to stop her pony chaise at the Laiterie to hear them play, subscribed from her private purse 200 francs every year to these musicians.

    The Gourmet's Guide to Europe Algernon Bastard 1885

  • Sixteen restaurants in Rhode Island are participating in the program, including New Rivers, Chez Pascal and La Laiterie in Providence, and about a half-dozen in the Boston area.

    NYT > Home Page By JOAN NATHAN 2011


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