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  • You will also have to try the delicious trout made with acuyo that Doña Mari prepares on the way to "La Presa" or Doña Socorro on the way to Cinco Palos.

    Otro domingo hermoso en Xalapa 2006

  • Don't miss Doña Angela's delicious tamales de elote and "tapiste" (made with acuyo leaf).

    Fandango en el Patio Mu�oz 2006

  • Hierba santa or hoja santa piper auritum, piper sanctum: Abundant in the south-central region of Mexico, the palm-sized, velvety leaves of this anise-scented, bushy perrenial make fragrant wrappers for grilled or steamed fish dishes, such as the Pescado en Hoja Santa of Veracruz, where it is quite commonly known as acuyo.

    A Culinary Guide to Mexican Herbs: Las Hierbas de Cocina 2006

  • You will also have to try the delicious trout made with acuyo that Doña Mari prepares on the way to "La Presa" or Doña Socorro on the way to Cinco Palos.

    Otro domingo hermoso en Xalapa 2006

  • Hierba santa or hoja santa piper auritum, piper sanctum: Abundant in the south-central region of Mexico, the palm-sized, velvety leaves of this anise-scented, bushy perrenial make fragrant wrappers for grilled or steamed fish dishes, such as the Pescado en Hoja Santa of Veracruz, where it is quite commonly known as acuyo.

    A Culinary Guide to Mexican Herbs: Las Hierbas de Cocina 2006

  • Hierba santa or hoja santa piper auritum, piper sanctum: Abundant in the south-central region of Mexico, the palm-sized, velvety leaves of this anise-scented, bushy perrenial make fragrant wrappers for grilled or steamed fish dishes, such as the Pescado en Hoja Santa of Veracruz, where it is quite commonly known as acuyo.

    A Culinary Guide to Mexican Herbs: Las Hierbas de Cocina 2006

  • The use of acuyo, a herb also known as hoja santa, also characterized the indigenous cooking of the area.

    The cuisine of Veracruz: a tasty blend of cultures 2006

  • The use of acuyo, a herb also known as hoja santa, also characterized the indigenous cooking of the area.

    The cuisine of Veracruz: a tasty blend of cultures 2006

  • You will also have to try the delicious trout made with acuyo that Doña Mari prepares on the way to "La Presa" or Doña Socorro on the way to Cinco Palos.

    Otro domingo hermoso en Xalapa 2006

  • You will also have to try the delicious trout made with acuyo that Doña Mari prepares on the way to "La Presa" or Doña Socorro on the way to Cinco Palos.

    Otro domingo hermoso en Xalapa 2006


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