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  • KELLY: I think probably I wrote a piece just before I left Kuwait City about the amir's new palace for The New Republic to the effect that the US Army Corps of Engineers was involved in the business of refurbishing, along extremely swank lines, a palace for the amir, who was coming home to Kuwait after sitting out the war in luxury digs elsewhere.

    Martyrs' Day: Chronicle of a Small War 1993

  • I saw my brother felled by a stroke from the amir's scimitar.

    Conan the Avenger Howard, Robert E. 1968

  • Action Charter - the centerpiece of the amir's political liberalization program.

    The 2005 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • Action Charter - the centerpiece of the amir's political liberalization program.

    The 2005 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • Action Charter - the centerpiece of the amir's political liberalization program.

    The 2004 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • Action Charter - the centerpiece of the amir's political liberalization program.

    The 2004 CIA World Factbook United States. Central Intelligence Agency

  • So it came about, sahib, that the Germans and ourselves were ordered hotfoot out of the amir's country.

    Hira Singh : when India came to fight in Flanders Talbot Mundy 1909


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