
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The spiritual power or wisdom that resides in holy places and people, especially in a Sufi.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

From Arabic بركة (baraka).


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  • Dress Shop celebrates official opening tonight Whether for an interview, a date night or a Showing: Most recent articles The brains behind 'barakah' Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 · 1 comment To assume that Eisha Saleh, 34, and Kathy Fry, 29, are simply business partners would be, well, a wrong ... - Articles related to Jennifer Aniston ranks as sixth best 'actress for the buck' 2009

  • Insha'Allah, Allah makes this a success and barakah for you.

    Sneak Peak JDsg 2006

  • But as it so happens -- at least for me -- Schuon's books are jam-packed with his barakah, or spiritual perfume, or transformative grace, or just plain (↓), for which they are the occasion, not the cause. (↓) courses through his words, not from them.

    One C?smos Gagdad Bob 2010

  • Allah bless you with abundant barakah in your life. .ameen.

    SARA - Southeast Asian RSS Aggregator 2010

  • I pray that Allah (swt) makes our affairs easy here, puts barakah in our dawah efforts, makes it easy for us to combat the negativity spread about us here, and saves the Muslims from the disasters we have seen abroad in the past 8 years. 2008


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