
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Plural form of birthdate.


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  • Nearly half of social network users list their full birthdates, which is prime rib for data thieves, and 7 percent give a home address.

    TechNewsWorld 2010

  • Acquisti and Ralph Gross report in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that they were able to make the predictions using data available in public records as well as information such as birthdates cheerfully provided on social networks such as Facebook.

    p2pnet news 2009

  • Unfortunately for employers, personal data such as birthdates, social security, drivers license, credit card numbers, and bank account numbers is precisely what is contained in HR and Customer files are a goldmine for ID thieves.

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2009

  • The New Moves project also provided federations with information such as birthdates and e-mail addresses, to help federations tailor their outreach more efficiently, Smolyar added.

    unknown title 2009

  • Acquisti and Ralph Gross report in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that they were able to make the predictions using data available in public records as well as information such as birthdates cheerfully provided on social networks such as Facebook.

    Home - 2009

  • Instead, I will keep the posts in this series concise and easy to read, with basic biographical information such as birthdates and the names of their immediate families.

    Merry Royals 2008

  • Wore Navy Cross multiple socials multiple birthdates numerous fairy tales of combat and wounds


  • As each new (or newish) pundit and reporter face popped up on the screen, I searched Wikipedia bios to envy birthdates: 1979, 1981 and, in the case of Luke Russert, 1985.

    Election coverage: Difficult to watch, impossible to look away Hank Stuever 2010

  • In 2082, Census 2010 birthdates could help your descendants track down other records about you.

    Q&A: What you need to know about the 2010 Census 2010

  • First, the video, faces of the victims of drunk driving appeared one by one on the screen, along with birthdates and death dates, music was played in the background, tears stung my eyes as I realized I was not alone.

    Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grieving and Recovery Jack Canfield 2011


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