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  • After months of wedding planning, home and business sale preparations, travel research, very few restful sleeps in the mix, torn feelings about Lilly (Stinky) and a lot of sad good bye's, we finally made it to the TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at 2010

  • The sheriff shrugged, not really caring one way or anther because he was, after all, only a few kilometers off of his route to the graveyard where the bodies would be dumped, said his good bye's and left.

    ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science 2010

  • After months of wedding planning, home and business sale preparations, travel research, very few restful sleeps in the mix, torn feelings about Lilly (Stinky) and a lot of sad good bye's, we finally made it to the TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at 2010

  • Im so sick of haveing to worry about my kid's playing out side and if there ok and our home's being shot up bye drive bye's and what not. okay you people need to get a life. seriously. one of my dearest friends was lost because of this. and he was NOT a gang member! you people seriously got isssues.

    KAKE - HomePage - Headlines 2009

  • Im so sick of haveing to worry about my kid's playing out side and if there ok and our home's being shot up bye drive bye's and what not. okay you people need to get a life. seriously. one of my dearest friends was lost because of this. and he was NOT a gang member! you people seriously got isssues.

    KAKE - HomePage - Headlines 2009

  • Both Nadal and Federer received automatic bye's to the semi finals on Friday.

    Pro Tennis Fan 2009

  • Im so sick of haveing to worry about my kid's playing out side and if there ok and our home's being shot up bye drive bye's and what not. okay you people need to get a life. seriously. one of my dearest friends was lost because of this. and he was NOT a gang member! you people seriously got isssues.

    KAKE - HomePage - Headlines 2009

  • Im so sick of haveing to worry about my kid's playing out side and if there ok and our home's being shot up bye drive bye's and what not. okay you people need to get a life. seriously. one of my dearest friends was lost because of this. and he was NOT a gang member! you people seriously got isssues.

    KAKE - HomePage - Headlines 2009

  • Im so sick of haveing to worry about my kid's playing out side and if there ok and our home's being shot up bye drive bye's and what not. okay you people need to get a life. seriously. one of my dearest friends was lost because of this. and he was NOT a gang member! you people seriously got isssues.

    KAKE - HomePage - Headlines 2009

  • Im so sick of haveing to worry about my kid's playing out side and if there ok and our home's being shot up bye drive bye's and what not. okay you people need to get a life. seriously. one of my dearest friends was lost because of this. and he was NOT a gang member! you people seriously got isssues.

    KAKE - HomePage - Headlines 2009


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