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  • Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitz was among those aboard the carousel's inaugural go-around.

    Doing the Rounds in Brooklyn 2011

  • As he did, the carousel's wooden statue of a dog-faced kobold started pumping up and down faster and faster, moving so violently that the kobold figure's head smashed through the roof of the carousel, giving its young dwarf rider the fright of his life and an instant headache to boot.

    Stalling 2010

  • Together with the vaguely Brooks-like saddle, skinwall tires, and "hammered" or hammered look fenders, the bike will do doubt infuriate Randonnerds, retrogrouches, and the sorts of people who bedeck their bicycles with an airport carousel's worth of canvas luggage, but will simply look really nice to people who don't know what any of that means or who don't really care.

    BSNYC Product Review: Electra Ticino 8D BikeSnobNYC 2010

  • Together with the vaguely Brooks-like saddle, skinwall tires, and "hammered" or hammered look fenders, the bike will do doubt infuriate Randonnerds, retrogrouches, and the sorts of people who bedeck their bicycles with an airport carousel's worth of canvas luggage, but will simply look really nice to people who don't know what any of that means or who don't really care.

    Archive 2010-08-01 BikeSnobNYC 2010

  • He found it quite difficult to sleep late on Saturday mornings once the carousel's Wurlitzer organ began blasting him from slumber with its merry tunes.

    Terry Gardner: The Santa Monica Pier: Still Hip at 100 2009

  • And the carousel's cruising for another ride guess who sits upfront, it's mr. make-it-mine he puts another dime in your slotmachine bt the jackpot hits you, it's not the other way round

    Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: October 2005 Archives 2005

  • And the carousel's cruising for another ride guess who sits upfront, it's mr. make-it-mine he puts another dime in your slotmachine bt the jackpot hits you, it's not the other way round

    Dru Blood - I believe in the inherent goodness of all beings: Navel Gazing (or relationships, isolation, community, and sex) 2005

  • The carousel's very silence, its flashing lights and steamy calliope music stilled forever, gave Jake a chill.

    Wizard and Glass King, Stephen 1997

  • As he did, the carousel's wooden statue of a dog-faced kobold started pumping up and down faster and faster, moving so violently that the kobold figure's head smashed through the roof of the carousel, giving its young dwarf rider the fright of his life and an instant headache to boot.

    Kendermore Kirchoff, Mary 1989

  • The four carousel's sprang to their feet when the first strain reached their ears.

    A Victorious Union Oliver Optic 1859


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