copolymerization love



from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The polymerization of multiple monomers to form a copolymer


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  • “Thermal copolymerization of amino acids to a product resembling protein.”

    Life Weber, Bruce 2008

  • No less important is his later research which led to the synthesis of completely new elastomers, in two different ways: by polymerization of butadiene into cis-1,4 polymers with a very high degree of steric purity and by copolymerization of ethylene with other a-olefins

    Giulio Natta - Biography 1972

  • "The new structure is a bit surprising and shows how the coordination copolymerization method has real potential for new materials discovery," Matzger said.

    Science Blog - Science news straight from the source 2009

  • The researchers used a technique called coordination copolymerization to produce the new material.

    Science Blog - Science news straight from the source 2009


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