
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The stale or stagnant water collected in a ditch.


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  • This was nothing like how I knew the ditch-water reason for Lobo's summer sores, how every summer he got the sores and every summer the ditches filled with water.

    Quarters, Pasos, Arabians Chris Sheehan 2011

  • See, Port is making away from the storm, and Double X is as flat as ditch-water.

    George Cruikshank 2006

  • The dark Sidhe had complained that Pasgen, being overfearful of Oberon, had made the Unseleighe Court dull as ditch-water and sour with rules.

    Ill Met By Moonlight Lackey, Mercedes 2005

  • Other doctors round the county had ditch-water in their veins; he could boast of

    Doctor Thorne 2004

  • Na, na — he hings his sword on the cleek, lays his beaver on the shelf, puts his pedigree into his pocket, and gangs as doucely and cannily about his peddling craft as if his blood was nae better than ditch-water; but let our pedlar be transformed, as I have kend it happen mair than ance, into a bein thriving merchant, then ye shall have a transformation, my lords.

    The Fortunes of Nigel 2004

  • Verdurins failed to persuade that the evenings spent by other people, in other houses than theirs, were as dull as ditch-water, saw himself banished forthwith.

    Swann's Way 2003

  • If there was treachery before us, this bare road would be a deathtrap, without issue to right or left, narrow, tortuous, and slippery with the ditch-water.

    Seven Pillars of Wisdom Thomas Edward 2003

  • Then at least life would have been interesting; now it was dull as ditch-water, with wretched vistas of stagnant waiting between now and that joyful day when I could claim that dear, rosy-checked girl for my own.

    Gulliver of Mars 1996

  • I'm blessed if the whole thing isn't as dark as ditch-water.

    Can You Forgive Her? 1993

  • His blood drifted in the dirty water, spreading as he died, choking on ditch-water and blood.

    Sharpe's Honour Cornwell, Bernard 1985


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