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  • Why we would all swoon in ecstasty – it would be almost like passing a real bill.

    Matthew Yglesias » The Strange Death of the Public Option 2010

  • Which, by dancing I mean, getting her ass dry-humped HARD by the gay guy on the dancefloor and looking like she was in orgasmic ecstasty while her grandmother and young daughter watched and cheered?

    unclebob Diary Entry unclebob 2004

  • Except there were several photos taken of me with my hands all over their boobs and my face contorted in a display of drunken ecstasty.

    unclebob Diary Entry unclebob 2002

  • * Can somebody please tell me ... what is all this fascination with taking the drug ecstasty and shoving vegetables up one's wazoo???

    unclebob Diary Entry unclebob 2000

  • And where can a guy like me get some of this ecstasty??

    unclebob Diary Entry unclebob 2000


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