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  • She sells her groceries from a genge, which is a very basic structure made of wood, with a tin roof, in which people sell items such as onions, tomatoes, chili, oil, rice and dried fish.

    Kiva Loans 2010

  • A 'genge' (grocery store) is usually a very basic structure made of wood, with a tin roof, which sells general items such as onions, tomatoes, chili, oil, rice, and dried fish.

    Kiva Loans 2009

  • He wants a new loan to further increase his stock in the "genge".

    Kiva Loans 2009

  • Mwanahamisi has been running a grocery or 'genge' business since May 2009.

    Kiva Loans 2009

  • Like someone said unless your last name is Dangote or something genge i. e Obama biko kindly sharrap.

    Interview Thursday: " Every human is made to fulfill a divine purpose" - Writefreak 2009

  • Will {el} m eorl of Albamar þe þe king adde beteht euorwic ⁊ to other æuez men mid fæumen ⁊ fuhten wid heo {m}. ⁊ fle {m} den þe king æt te Standard. ⁊ sloghen suithe micel of his genge.

    Selections from early Middle English, 1130-1250 Part I: Texts Joseph Hall

  • Side: Survivor (but infected) Bhirthday: 19 of November Personality: Very rude with people at first but when you get to know her better she´s nice, likes to help (even do she doesn´t admited), has a good genge of humor, doesn´t care about her looks she just wants to eat and is addicted to blood (zombie blood). - Articles related to Gates Foundation Signals New Focus on Maternal, Child Health 2010

  • November Personality: Very rude with people at first but when you get to know her better she´s nice, likes to help (even do she doesn´t admited), has a good genge of humor, doesn´t care about her looks she just wants to eat and is addicted to blood (zombie blood). - Articles related to Gates Foundation Signals New Focus on Maternal, Child Health 2010

  • She is requesting a loan of 300,000 TZS to purchase food to sell in her genge.

    Kiva Loans 2009

  • A genge (food stall) is usually a very basic structure made of wood with a tin roof, which sells basic foods, such as onions, tomatoes, chilli, oil, rice, and dried fish.

    Kiva Loans 2009


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