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  • In April, the Ukraine's Prosecutor General's office opened a criminal case charging Tymoshenko with signing overpriced gas deals with Russian energy provider Gazprom that inflicted damages to the country of more than 1.5 billion hryvnas almost $190 million at the current exchange rate and which Tymoshenko had allegedly no right to sign. 2011

  • He said the new government would have to set aside 1.7 bln hryvnas ($212 mln) in the budget to pay for apartments that Tymoshenko gave away as part of her presidential campaign.

    RIA Novosti 2010

  • Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov on Wednesday accused his predecessor Yulia Tymoshenko and her government of causing 100 billion hryvnas ($12.5 billion) in state losses.

    RIA Novosti 2010

  • Gas prices for Ukrainian consumers now vary from 725.4 hryvnas ($91.9) per 1,000 cu m to

    RIA Novosti 2010

  • Gas prices for Ukrainian consumers now vary from 725.4 hryvnas ($91.9) per 1,000 cu m to

    RIA Novosti 2010

  • "The actions of the previous government inflicted damage of 100 billion hryvnas on the state," Azarov said at a Cabinet meeting, adding that 2009 budget documents should be examined by law enforcement agencies and that Tymoshenko and former government officials should be held responsible.

    RIA Novosti 2010

  • I remembered that I feed the elephant 100,000 hryvnas ($13,000) per quarter or per month - I don't remember exactly, 'he was quoted as saying by Ukraine's UNIAN news agency.

    India eNews 2009

  • "Budget revenue in 2009 is to be 285 billion hryvnas ... expenditure is to stand at 302.4 billion hryvnas."

    The St. Petersburg Times 2008

  • "Next year, we will see a peak in spending on servicing and paying back the state debt - 28.2 billion hryvnas - of which 56 percent concerns foreign debt," Pynzenyk said.

    The St. Petersburg Times 2008

  • Pynzenyk, addressing a Cabinet meeting, also said spending on servicing and repaying state debt in 2009 would hit a record level of 28.2 billion hryvnas ($5.81 billion).

    The St. Petersburg Times 2008


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