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  • 'Oh,' says the metaphysician, 'this is association: just so a strain of music reminds you of a fine passage in a book you have read, or a beautiful tone in a picture you have seen; just so the Ranz des Vaches bears the exile to the timber house, with shady leaves, corbelled and strut-supported, whose very weakness appeals to the avalanche that shakes an icicly beard in monition from the impeding crags.'

    The Continental Monthly , Vol. 2 No. 5, November 1862 Devoted to Literature and National Policy Various

  • So, since Rebecca walked in on Kitty being icicly, is she throwing the trivia game here by going against her, or just genuinely wrong?

    unknown title 2008

  • This morning, as with all mornings, I took She Who Must Bark At The Most Inconvenient Times on an early morning walk, which, given the several feet of snow on the ground (read: a few inches), was less an “early morning walk” than a “mighty difficult time staying afoot for the bipedal member of the walking party, as the bipedal-squared one trounced happily and darted into snowbanks and tried her best to cause the amputation of the fingers on my icicly leash-bearing hand.”

    The Beggarwoman of Locarno | Miette's Bedtime Story Podcast 2005


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