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  • I loved him and duried lahham. naji jabir and his family are related to us which makes it harder to beleive.

    WALEG 2009

  • I republish here a Press Release issued by the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), and I am sure that all the other Oromo parties and groups will denounce the Satanic deeds of the Ephraim Ishak - Lencho Leta - Ababya Aba-jabir - Dima Nego criminal gang.

    American Chronicle 2008

  • علا من غزة: that's a cool dad lol I really doubt if this will EVER be ok in our culture .. it's built-in within us .. not even as arabs but as humans! an jabir hussain: people have to remember the purpose of making wudu is to clense yourself right! nailpolish has many ingredients like alcohol and many other unknown ingredients! so why take that risk wouldnt you much

    Palestine Blogs aggregator 2010

  • علا من غزة: that's a cool dad lol I really doubt if this will EVER be ok in our culture .. it's built-in within us .. not even as arabs but as humans! an jabir hussain: people have to remember the purpose of making wudu is to clense yourself right! nailpolish has many ingredients like alcohol and many other unknown ingredients! so why take that risk wouldnt you much

    Qwaider Planet Anonymous 2010

  • علا من غزة: that's a cool dad lol I really doubt if this will EVER be ok in our culture .. it's built-in within us .. not even as arabs but as humans! an jabir hussain: people have to remember the purpose of making wudu is to clense yourself right! nailpolish has many ingredients like alcohol and many other unknown ingredients! so why take that risk wouldnt you much

    Qwaider Planet Anonymous 2010

  • علا من غزة: that's a cool dad lol I really doubt if this will EVER be ok in our culture .. it's built-in within us .. not even as arabs but as humans! an jabir hussain: people have to remember the purpose of making wudu is to clense yourself right! nailpolish has many ingredients like alcohol and many other unknown ingredients! so why take that risk wouldnt you much

    Qwaider Planet Anonymous 2010


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