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  • He then felt compelled to give me a big, stinky hug and smack me on the back with ten “only kiddings.”

    Don’t Sleep With Your Drummer Jen Sincero 2002

  • He then felt compelled to give me a big, stinky hug and smack me on the back with ten “only kiddings.”

    Don’t Sleep With Your Drummer Jen Sincero 2002

  • He then felt compelled to give me a big, stinky hug and smack me on the back with ten “only kiddings.”

    Don’t Sleep With Your Drummer Jen Sincero 2002

  • (nah just kiddings, gingers are alright) @ #57 posted by ill lich

    TED 2008: Crow vending machine maker Joshua Klein - Boing Boing 2008

  • (c) becakes the goatsman on question, or what-ever the hen the bumbler was, feeling not up to scratch bekicks of whatever the kiddings Payne Inge and Popper meant for him, thoughy onced at a throughlove, true grievingfrue danger, as a nirshe persent to his minstress, devourced the pair of them

    Finnegans Wake 2006


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