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  • When the term "character issue" first became the political lexicon's most persistent cliché, it seemed to mainly denote the seven deadly sins of presidential wannabes: drink, drugs, gambling, adultery, perjury, payola and an unsuitable spouse.

    Obama the Unruffled 2008

  • Yet, blocking the lexicon's publication was a clear victory for Ms. Rowling.

    Judge Halts 'Potter Lexicon' 2008

  • Gingerly is just the way the mental lexicon's gingerlyly comes out on the tongue or the page. GINGER(LY). 2004

  • Sir lexicon's absence, they well knew, would afford them an excellent opportunity for carrying out their design.

    Vellenaux A Novel

  • Quinquagennial kidnapped the e in "judgment" to demand a change in lexicon's preference of Golden.

    Libertarian Blog Place Various Libertarian Bloggers 2010

  • He apparently cannot notice the lexicon's connection between the terms "bride" and

    UFO and Paranormal News 2009

  • I agree that, in this case, the term 'pirate' may not be used with great precision or within a lexicon's strict definition of the word However, the hunting grounds these perpetrators lurk are, after all, the high seas.

    Blogs navigation 2009


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