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  • That, of course, required adding ingredients such as modified corn starch and xantham gum to replicate mayo's appealing flavor and texture.

    A more healtful mayonnaise? Maybe 2010

  • Okay, maybe that's sailing a ways over the top, yet even its detractors must admit to mayo's sheen.

    Villa Incognito Robbins, Tom 2003

  • Report Abuse check out that photoshop job with oj mayo's hands.

    Yahoo! Sports - Top News 2010

  • (Remember what I said earlier about breaking the liquids up into tinier droplets?) • And after all is said and done with emulsification, remember that your mayo's got to taste good.

    Politics Francis Lam 2010

  • Only reason why Shana name is in this is because someone asked who is mayo's girlfriend and her names was mentioned a multiply times .....

    KBCafe Blog Network (technology) 2009

  • According to Jamey Fish, Unilever senior brand manager, the dinner was a real-world experiment in expanding mayo's uses -- that is, of course, assuming consumers go for the ideas.

    Brandweek - News and Features 2009

  • Only reason why Shana name is in this is because someone asked who is mayo's girlfriend and her names was mentioned a multiply times .....

    KBCafe Blog Network (technology) 2009

  • But Fish's efforts raise some hard questions, among them: As the recession lifts, will mayo's popularity fade once more?

    Brandweek - News and Features 2009

  • Only reason why Shana name is in this is because someone asked who is mayo's girlfriend and her names was mentioned a multiply times .....

    KBCafe Blog Network (technology) 2009

  • Only reason why Shana name is in this is because someone asked who is mayo's girlfriend and her names was mentioned a multiply times .....

    KBCafe Blog Network (technology) 2009


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