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  • She was taken off the swing she was swinging on and hurried by her mother into mohammad's presence.

    Teacher Sacked for Saying "Most Suicide Bombers are Muslims" 2007

  • Why did he have to "evolve the quran" during mohammad's lifetime???

    "MAIN" via Steve in Google Reader 2010

  • Russ Wellen @ 18 great question, and this is one of the underreported stories. as you mentioned, the MQM is a mohajir-dominated party that is based in karachi, with support in a few other urban centers in sindh. they also tended to feel like they had made the greatest sacrifices for pakistan. even the name 'mohajir' means "someone who has made the hijra," or pilgrimage. hijra is the same word used to described the prophet mohammad's passage from mecca to medina

    Firedoglake Russ Wellen 2009


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