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  • Please count me in the drawing, thank you! mollys-vai [at] sbcglobal [dot] net

    Holiday Season Nalini Singh 2009

  • These are mollys scared straight by Mormonism, by the power of the perdition written into the mythos.

    Notes from New Sodom: On Blood, Bad Boys and Bottoms by Hal Duncan 2009

  • So the petrels called to the mollys: but they were so busy and greedy, gobbling and peeking and spluttering and fighting over the blubber, that they did not take the least notice.

    The Water Babies 2007

  • But the good mollys took Tom and his dog up, and flew with them safe over the pack and the roaring ice giants, and set them down at the foot of Shiny Wall.

    The Water Babies 2007

  • So the mollys took Tom up on their backs, and flew off with him, laughing and joking — and oh, how they did smell of train oil!

    The Water Babies 2007

  • In addition to dealing in illegal weaponry on an impressive scale, Mockerkin drew revenue from trade in banned designer pharmaceuticals, siphoned crunch, endangered species (foodstuffs as well as the illegal pet business), and prohibited wafers and mollys.

    The Mocking Program Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 2002

  • In the absence of Cleator Mockerkin, and the instructions only that one now-unreachable man could provide, The Mock's box was determined to carry to fruition every extant gram that had been written to its widely scattered but tightly interlinked mollys.

    The Mocking Program Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 2002

  • But a suitably advanced box designed to juggle secure national, much less international, information and data would be in constant touch with several, perhaps dozens of backup mollys scattered all over the planet.

    The Mocking Program Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 2002

  • Everything he'd learned since leaving home he'd acquired through long hours of hard work and arduous study, poring over disks and through mollys, learning through drill what swifter minds seemed to absorb with nary a glance.

    Cyber Way Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1990

  • When not assigned to the street he actually enjoyed being stuck at a desk, accessing the mollys with his desk spinner, doing the tedious, boring, dirty bits of police work that never made the evening news.

    Cyber Way Foster, Alan Dean, 1946- 1990


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