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  • The monolith's appearances also find counterpart in the final scenes of Bowman, who, after travelling through a black hole or "stargate" above Jupiter, arrives in captivity and spies a future tense of himself, who then replaces his younger self in the present moment... until he catches another glimpse of a future self that, once again, assumes his place to carry the narrative one more leap into the future.

    Archive 2008-03-30 2008

  • The monolith's appearances also find counterpart in the final scenes of Bowman, who, after travelling through a black hole or "stargate" above Jupiter, arrives in captivity and spies a future tense of himself, who then replaces his younger self in the present moment... until he catches another glimpse of a future self that, once again, assumes his place to carry the narrative one more leap into the future.

    2001: It Is What It Is 2008

  • I stop and sit on the monolith's thigh, where stone, sweat and sun pervade.

    12 - La Pena of Bernal And Mexico Magico 2004

  • I stop and sit on the monolith's thigh, where stone, sweat and sun pervade.

    12 - La Pena of Bernal And Mexico Magico 2004

  • But broadcasting the shopping monolith's holiday festivities was more like playing James Bond than Jimmy Olsen.

    How Macy's made New York 1 go hungry. 1997

  • But broadcasting the shopping monolith's holiday festivities was more like playing James Bond than Jimmy Olsen.

    How Macy's made New York 1 go hungry. 1997

  • Air oofed out of Mapshaker's lungs and he sagged against the monolith's base.

    The Dragons of Krynn Weis, Margaret 1994

  • Then the beam danced away, up the side of the conical tower, right to its top, where it rested, a ruby brilliance at the monolith's peak.

    The Gates of Thorbardin Parkinson, Dan 1990

  • Then the beam danced away, up the side of the conical tower, right to its top, where it rested, a ruby brilliance at the monolith's peak.

    The Gates of Thorbardin Parkinson, Dan 1990

  • Then the beam danced away, up the side of the conical tower, right to its top, where it rested, a ruby brilliance at the monolith's peak.

    The Gates of Thorbardin Parkinson, Dan 1990


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