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  • And the moonlilies in their blue glass vase still bloomed on the mantelpiece — elven flowers from Underhill, Kory's gift when he'd moved in; a daily touch of magic would keep them alive forever, and no matter what else was going on in his life, he, or his friends, had never forgotten to do that.

    Music to My Sorrow Lackey, Mercedes 2005

  • And the moonlilies in their blue glass vase still bloomed on the mantelpiece-elven flowers from Underhill, Kory's gift when he'd moved in; a daily touch of magic would keep them alive forever, and no matter what else was going on in his life, he, or his friends, had never forgotten to do that.

    Music To My Sorrow Lackey, Mercedes 2005

  • There were flowers in a blue glass vase on the mantlepiece-moonlilies, so that was Kory's touch; they didn't grow anywhere but Underhill, and a daily little touch of magic would keep them alive forever.

    Beyond World's End Lackey, Mercedes 2001


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