
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun The desire or effort to unite all Greeks into one political body: an idea which in the third century b.c. was put into partial and incomplete realization in the Achean League, and in modern times was pursued at the beginning of the present century by the Greeks and their sympathizers in Europe and America, and is still the cherished hope of modern Greek statesmen.
  • noun 2. The general body of interests and ideas having to do with all persons and things of Greek origin.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A scheme to unite all the Greeks in one political body.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun The union of the Greeks into a single political body.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

pan- +‎ hellenism


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  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007

  • It's much like "panhellenism" was to the Greeks of the 4th C b.c.e., the Crusades to the Middle Ages, or the GWOT today: a "motherhood" issue intended to limit domestic political discourse rather than a program with any serious chance of achievement.

    Balkinization 2007


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